Monday, March 30, 2009

Help, I need somebody's, Help, not just anybody's, Help,you know I need somebody's Help..

OK, I have said it, if you are reading this blog, I really need your help. I love doing my food blog, and I spend a lot of time seeking out recipes, checking out blogs, and planning my menu. The problem is I see all these good recipes, and it makes it very hard for me to want to make food that is healthy, and within my Weight Watchers guidelines. If you have any tips, that might help me please leave them in the comments. I have to find a balance, I want to be able to make a cake and eat it too. They say your diet starts in your head, I just don't seem to be able to to find the starting line. Grrrr.

So here is my menu for this week

Monday: Meat Loaf and Mashed potatoes and salad

Tuesday: Pork fried rice and Egg rolls

Wednesday: White Chicken Lazagna

Thursday: Shepards Pie w/Salad

Friday: Grilled Tilapia with Stir Fry Veggies and Sweet Potatoes

Most of theese dishes are Weight Watchers recipes, I will let you know next week if they pass the test.

check out other menu plans at Menu Plan Monday

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Working woman's Spaghetti

I use one pound of pre-cooked ground beef, Spaghetti sauce, chilli pepper, sugar and fresh garlic.
Saute the garlic with one tablespoon EVOO

Add Pasta sauce, chilli powder, and sugar. Simmer

Boil pasta and add to meat sauce.


One of these days things will be normal, no, I don't think that will ever happen. Things are always changing, there is always something new, sometimes I just want to linger in the sameness, but that never happens for me. This week I have a new student living withme that speaks even less english, than all of my past students. I can't imagine what itis like for her to see everything as different. For that reason I can say I am happy for the sameness of my home, friends, my bed and even my predictable dog. He always wants a hug, he always wants in the car, and he always wants to lick me.This week every thing on my menu will be new and different to Akane even though it is the same old same old to us.

Monday: Spaghetti and Salad w/ French Bread

Tuesday: Tilapia with Rice and Red Beans.

Wednesday: Hamburgers and French Fries

Thursday: Grilled Pork Chops and Sweet Potatoes

Friday: Clam Chowder

check out other menu plans at Menu Plan Monday

Monday, March 16, 2009

No, it does not take an army....But you may want to call a few of your closest friends over.

I get my energy in bursts, so when I decided to cook for a month in one day, I had one of those bursts of energy. Notice I said had. Well by the time I got home from the airport and shopping for all my meat, I had lost all that energy, but I had a ton of meat with no where to go, so I began my first cook for a month in one day. Sadly I did not have enough energy to complete the month but I did make enough for three weeks. Yahoo! I do think it would be much easier to do this with a few friends in a very large kitchen. I managed to make or at least do the major preparations for 21 healthy meals.

My menu for this week:

Monday: Chicken Salad with grapes and walnuts

Tuesday: Mini Porucupine Meat Loafs, Rice and Green Beans

Wednesday: Chicken Enchiladas with black beans

Thursday: Grilled Pork Chops with Roasted vegetables

Friday: Rump Roast with Mashed Potatoes and Sweet Baby Carrots

Saturday: Fun day we will probably eat out!
This week Menu Plan Monday is being hosted over at $5 Dinners, be sure to check out what everyone else is having this week.