Sunday, December 21, 2008

This is going to be a short week for us. We will travel on Christmas Eve, so my only two home meals will be Monday and Tuesday. I feel full all the time because of all the snacking, so my meals will be quick and easy.

Monday: Hamburgers Steak with potatoes and Salad

Tuesday: Chicken Pot Pie

Wednesday: ( Christmas Eve... Soups, Crackers, dips and other goodies)

Thursday: Ham, and all the trimings.

Friday: Shoping and eating on the run

Saturday: Traveling

This recipe comes from a special friend of mine. I knew we had alot in common but it looks like we have more in common than I thought. We like cookies! Here is her recipe as it was given to me.

Only 4 ingredients.

Whoo hoo!!!

1-8 oz. pkg. of cream cheese. I always buy the cheap brand.

1 lb. of butter

2 cups of granulated sugar

4 cups of flour

Cream the cheese and butter thoroughly. Make sure they are at room temperature or you'll break your arm trying to cream them together. Or use a heavy duty mixer. Add the sugar and blend well. Add the flour and mix like crazy. Throw the bowl in the freezer for half an hour or so. (This was not that hard to me) Spray the cookie sheets with Pam or something cheap. I always buy the cheap brand. Now here comes the part I hate. Roll them in little balls about the size of a walnut or even smaller.(I used my little cookie scoop from Pampered Chef it is easier)Set on cookie sheets, smash with a glass dipped in granulated sugar. Sprinkle with red and green sugar. Bake for about 10-12 minutes at 350° until set and light brown on the bottom. Make sure they are taken off the cookie sheet right away or they might stick. They freeze like a dream. Hide from the family and/or your DH until closer to Christmas. I usually label the container as date-filled bars since nobody likes dates in my house except me.
I also add 1 tsp. vanilla

The bolded parts are my contribution.

I have had many people tell me I should make these and sell them, but I would rather make them and eat them. Yum!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fast and Fun Food Gift!

This is a quick and easy food gift:
First you pop the popcorn and seperate the unpopped kernels
Then add 1 T. of creamy peanut butter to 1 pound Almond bark.
Microwave on low 1 minute at a time, until smoothI use a spoon to pour over the popcorn.
You will see pecans and M&M's in mine I add those last. (do not coat the M&M's) Pour over pecans seperatly, then with your hands mix the pop corn and the pecans and let pop corn and pecans dry.
I usually wait at least 30 minutes.
Next add M&M's and bag. You can put them in a bowl and let your family careful this stuff is addictive

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Will cooking be the same...........I don't think so!

This is my JiYeon

For seven months I have been blest to cook for JiYeon. This girl can eat and she liked almost all my offerings. JiYeon, is a student from South Korea, and she has been attending the college where I work. This will be her last week with us and I am so sad, it is hard for me to plan ahead this week but I will try. I am not sure if any of this will make it to the table, but I will make Spaghetti at some point for sure. So these are my plans.

Monday: Spaghetti and salad.

Tuesday: Pork fried rice and Chow mein

Wednesday: We will eat out!

Thursday: Chicken Marsla

Friday: JiYeon will be leaving today so I will not cook..........

Saturday: We are hosting a party, so we will be eating something good I hope. ..

If you want to join in or view other's menus, take a look at I'm An Organizing Junkie's

Friday, December 12, 2008

Guess who's being fabulous

Fabulous K is giving away a blog makeover! Head on over there to enter! She's the most fabulous thing since sliced bread!